admin 發表於 2019-6-15 15:19:38

超音鼠真人版電影惹負評 導演承諾重新設計

蒲月 3, 2019 電影 / 劇集

超音鼠真人版電影的預告片已在日前颁布,但超音鼠的脚色設計就引來不滿。導演 Jeff Fowler 本日就透過 Twitter 發文,暗示大白大师批評,將會从新設計脚色。

Thank you for the support. And the criticism. The message is loud and c真人輪盤,lear you arent happy with the design & you want changes. Its going to happen. Everyone at Paramount & Sega are fully co妹妹itted to making this character the BEST he can be #sonicmovie #gottafixfast
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