年度大奖Grand Prix
「草莓糖Strawberry Candy」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Nianze Li/Japan/Tokyo University of the Arts
作品阐明Work Description
She has an unspeakable secret. While the memory is gradually fading out, the little girl is no longer certain if it was a dream or reality.
金奖 Gold Prize
產物設計类Product Design
「HanDo儿童义肢 HanDo Prosthetics for Kids」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Jui-Ling Lin, Yong-Qi Li, Yu-Kuan Mo, Zhung-Kai Zheng, Feng-Jia Zheng, Kai-Jung Peng, Hsung-Yen Li, Wei-Ming Kok/ Taiwan/Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
肘下断肢為一种肢體停滞,而断肢儿童面對很多配戴义肢的坚苦:發展快速的汰换问题和经济包袱,偏僻地域乃至没有专業管道获得义肢,和义肢功效不足等问题,是以咱们設計HanDo 来解定夺肢儿童的坚苦。HanDo 是专為6~12 岁单侧断肢儿童設計的义肢,透過3D 列印、模组化的設計,可自力改换部件,解决频仍汰换整支义肢發生的经济问题,并具有抓握功效及扩充套件,辅助糊口、进修与活動的需求。此外,HanDo 可以换上孩子喜好的造型外壳,让孩子更有自傲、康健快活發展。咱们也設計了 HanDo 網路平台供给线上订购义肢辦事,并保持需求者、學术单元、企業与社會公共,使學术钻研真正落实,并从台灣動身让辦事无远弗届。
HanDo is a prosthesis designed for below-elbow amputee children aged 6 to 12 years old. By use of 3D printing and modular design, parts can be replaced, which can solve the financial problems of entire prosthesis replacement. HanDo has the grasping function, and offers extended kits to assist living, learning, and sports needs. In addition, kids can change the shells, so they can be more confident. We've also designed a website to make the service far-reaching.
銀奖 Silver Prize
数位動画类Digital Animation
「Play With Me」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Pornsawan Rittiruth、Janthima Saengsri, Ramita Daomanee, Kanyawee Sulaiman/ 泰國/吞武里國王科技大學
Pornsawan Rittiruth、Janthima Saengsri, Ramita Daomanee, Kanyawee Sulaiman/ Thailand/King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
3D animation inspired by the problem from Gen Y parents using smartphones while raising their children. This action can cause negative influences on a child's development and finally result in unexpected accidents.
铜奖 Bronze Prize
视觉設計类Visual Design
「原形之书 The Book of Truth」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Jia-Xin Gu/China/Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
It's a book about how social media can mislead audiences. The information we receive every day may have been tampered with by the media. So this book uses bright, bright colors to remind people to be wary of dazzling false information, and to tell us a truth - the truth we are for is not the truth. The audience needs to tear and smash the outer box to get the book body. This behavior is intended to guide the audience to get the truth that is sealed up, and to break the current "lies".
The One Club for Creativity / ADC Special Award
「烧毁之种 Abandoned Seed」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Edward Lyu/China/Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Abandoned Seed is adapted from Daltharee by Jeffrey ford and Cannon Fodder by Katsuhiro Otomo. In a rusty city, a boy steels a seed from a classroom. He has to make a choice for his seed while someone is observing it all.
The Bureau of European Design Associations Special Award
「Elixir Re-Act for Our Water」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Henrike Mohr、Esther Grünewald/德國/明斯特設計學院
Henrike Mohr、Esther Grünewald/Germany/Münster School of Design
「elixir re–act for our water」是一系列五個分歧的玻璃水杯,方针是要鼓動勉励咱们利用清洁饮用水时怀有责任心。這些玻璃杯的設計會让净水看起来浑浊,是以冲破了平常获得饮用水的例行习气。获得饮用水是一项根基人权,而咱们但愿唤起公众的意识,存眷全世界7亿8500万没法获得饮用水的人们。這些玻璃杯供给了買主一個機遇,让本身同样成為举措者,参加并同享咱们的愿景。
elixir re–act for our water is a series of five different water glasses, that aims to encourage a responsible use of our clean drinking water. The design of the glasses makes clean water appear dirty and thus breaks the everyday routine access to drinking water. Access to drinking water is a basic human right. We want to help raise awareness for the 785 million people who don‘t have that access. The glasses give the buyer the opportunity to join and share our vision by becoming active himself.
Confederation of Indian Industry Special Award
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Rishav Kumar/印度/斯特雷特設計學院
Rishav Kumar/India/Strate School of Design
Due to the intake of contaminated water from lakes and rivers, people in rural area are falling sick and have to pay a huge amount of money on medicines. If they can't afford it, they usually have no other choice but die as a result of diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, or other diseases.
Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations Special Award
「The Organized Life」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Patrick Yu Wang/美國/视觉艺术學院
Patrick Yu Wang/United States of America/School of Visual Arts
《The Organized Life》是一部 3D 動画作品,聚焦在论述母亲与儿子之間的瓜葛。
The Organized Life is a 3D motion graphic work, and presents the relationship between mother and son.
Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee Special Award
「求救旌旗灯号 Distress Signal」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Ze Ying Lin/China/Xiamen University
No business, no harm.
Korea Institute of Design Promotion Special Award
「“勿”霾 "Don't" Haze」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Xiao-Liu Huang, Cai-Xia Luo, Hui Jian/China/Guangxi Arts Institute
Masks are essential when people travel in haze weather, so gauze masks are used as the carrier of this book. The manual embroidery is used to present the contents of the book, so as to enhance the fun of reading this book. The color of illustration in this book goes from light to dark, showing the visual effect of haze. The original rope belt structure of the mask is used to blind the book, and its effect of grey blue delivers a cold stuffy feeling. At the same time, the Chinese book title美白牙膏推薦, has replaced "霧" (foggy) with its homophone "勿" (no) to remind people to protect the environment.
Lahti International Poster Triennial Special Award
「Feminism in Action」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Anastasia Lipyagovskaya/俄罗斯/HSE艺术与設計學院
Anastasia Lipyagovskaya/Russia/HSE Art and Design School
This project presents a feminist movement. Feminists support the idea of gender equality. Purpose of this project is to create a font for protest signs which feminist groups could use at demonstrations to show women's co妹妹unity in action. Feminists act to protect their rights. This project allows the audience to familiarize themselves with the activities of feminists and realize what problems exist in the modern world.
Macau Designers Association Special Award
「隱形暴力 Stealth Violence」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Jia-Min Wang/Taiwan/Hsing Wu University
All vio汐止機車借款,lent events stay in our minds, like invisible wounds, and like shadows following us everywhere. Both victims and perpetrators have to deal with their psychological shadows and bravely express their trauma in order to prevent it from happening again in the future.
The Design Alliance Asia Special Award
「Pioneiras - Coffee Made by Women」
創作者Designer(s)/黉舍地點地Location of School/黉舍School
Rafaella Peres Eleuterio、Rafaella de Bona Gonalves/巴西/巴拉那联邦技能大學
Rafaella Peres Eleuterio、Rafaella de Bona Gonalves/Brazil/Federal University of Technology – Paraná
作品阐明Work Description
Pioneiras is a co-created coffee brand created by women. With the aim to empower the visibility for women coffee growers that had their names erased from their own products. We believe this brand can question the chauvinist process of coffee production in Brazil. Rural workers, designers and baristas participated in this work, thought the project Women Produce Coffee. The brand was created based on these relations. Women coffee workers want to be visible because they are capable.
TEL: +886-4-2331-0066
E-mail: tisdc.tw@gmail.com
Website: www.tisdc.org
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