This is a "Kombucha" from the Croatian brand Ekipa. It's a fermented tea, a healthy drink made from tea, sugar, and a symbiotic mixture of bacteria and yeast.
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Ekipa's tea drink packaging design is by the creative design studio BAM! from Croatia. Inspired by Ekipa's desire for this to be a vibrant world to portray the taste of the drink.
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In the design of EKIPA's packaging, colorful hues are used as the base, and dynamic "characters" interact with the raw materials, symbolizing the natural, healthy and dynamic characteristics of the product and the brand itself, making the overall visual "world" The overall visual "world" is full of fun.
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The uniqueness of the design is that the brand wanted to launch the he泡腳養顏,althiest drink of the su妹妹er, so the design was done in the most colorful way. It is packed with fun, as if introducing a whole new world of color. Not only does it look interesting, it tastes healthy and delicious
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Design:BAM! creative studio
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